Advice & Inspiring Quotes


In the event of being an athlete there will come a time (or several times) when you have a bad day and you are just at the point of quitting. In the event of this low feeling you have to remain positive and know that every great professional athlete had days just like these. They used their personal frustration to fix their mistakes and became the great players they are today. As an athlete you will have mistakes, none of us are perfect. You have to understand what it is that you are doing wrong and work every day to improve it. There should never be a thought in your mind that you can’t overcome your adversity, because you can, and you will. Persevere and accomplish your goals.

And always remember volleyball players;

  • hit hard
  • swing through
  • snap your wrist
  • jump high
  • stay low
  • move your feet
  • remember your platform and where you are on the court
  • know your angles
  • be loud
  • stay positive
  • be a team player and play as one
  • stay deep and follow to the line
  • and last but not least, be mentally tough


Inspiring Quotes:

Here below are some nice inspiring quotes courtesy of Google that will help you remember that you are a great player.


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